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Why should we reduce the amount of waste made of papers?
  • Viewed globally, more than 40% of timber is transformed to stationery products.
  • The huge needs for industrialized countries cannot be supplied by an exploitation fully compliant with FSC norms.
  • Every inhabitant of Helvetic Confederation consume annually 194kg of paper.
Source: WWF Switzerland
Why recycling papers is not a real solution?
  • Paper can only be recycled 7 times.
  • Recycled paper is made of 10 to 15% new fiber of paper.
  • Recycling waste leads an important grey energy consumption for collecting (transportation), storing, and reprocessing waste.
Sources: WWF Switzerland and ConsoGlobe
EcolAds team
  • 50 years: it is the amount of years of cumulated experience of our team in information technology, mainly in banking sector.
  • We draw on our experience in order to ensure optimum safety for your personal data.
  • We are motivated by the desire and the need to contribute to a better ecological future.
Geographic coverage
This concept doesn’t exist yet in your locality and are you interested in it?
We are continually looking for partners in order to develop our solution’s geographic coverage.
You wish to participate... contact us!
EcolAds solution received "Efficient Solution" label from Solar Impulse Foundation.

By preferring to receive ads (commercial, institutional or cultural) following theirs choices, EcolAds users are ensured to reduce their impact on the environment.

Full press release - PDF format
Carbon compensation
Climate change leads to natural disasters which are more and more intense. We must therefore act, but how? The first priority is to reduce man-made carbon emissions.

That’s why the EcolAds solution has been built to allow carbon compensation linked to our activity emissions. This compensation includes document conception, notices sent to subscribers, and online consultation.

EcolAds in the Geneva Tribune newspaper
Thanks you to the large local Genevan newspaper, the well-named Geneva Tribune, which published an article about our solutions on March 13th 2019 named Pour libérer les boîtes à lettres de la pub".Full article in PDF file.
EcolAds in Pic-Vert magazine of Assprop.ge association
The association Assprop.ge, was kind to publish an article about our solutions in the edition 124 of its Pic-Vert newspaper. The article is named: "Publicité dans les boîtes aux lettres: et si on luttait contre le gaspillage ?" and you can read the online edition here.

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